ini sudah seminggu yang lalu, tentang sejumlah perintah melalui menu
run, dan baru kali ini sempat untuk posting. Bagi pengguna computer pada
umumnya ketika akan menjalankan sebuah program aplikasi hanya dengan
cara mengklik dua kali ikon eksekusi program bersangkutan. Namun
sebenarnya ada cara lain untuk menjalankan program yang mungkin tidak
pernah kita pelajari atau mungkin tidak mau ambil pusing. Maka dibawah
ini saya berikan sejumlah pertintah melalui menu run yang dapat anda
- Menu Run… hanya akrab pada Windows XP dan seri sebelumnya, sedangkan Vista dan Windows 7 tidak langsung tampil tapi masih ada dan bisa juga digantikan dengan kotak Start Search
- Dalam menindaklanjuti perintah-perintah run beriku ini, hendaknya anda hati-hati.
- Cari informasi lebih lengkap mengenai perintah yang ingin anda gunakan agar anda tidak salah dalam prakteknya
Arp | Displays/modifies ARP IP address/eth_addr entries |
Asd | Automatic skip driver upon windows startup program |
Attrib | Displays/changes file attributes |
Calc | Calculator |
Cdplayer | Plays music CDs on your CD-ROM drive |
Cfgwiz32 | ISDN Configuration Wizard |
Charmap | Character Map |
Chkdisk | Repair damaged files |
Cleanmgr | Cleans up hard drives |
Clipbrd | Windows Clipboard viewer |
Clspack | Lists/creates listings of system packages |
Cmd | Opens a new MS windows (2000 & XP) | | Opens a MS-DOS Window |
Control | Displays Control Panel |
Cvt | Convert FAT16 hard drives to FAT32 |
Cvt1 | Converts drives from FAT16 to FAT32 |
Convert C: /fs:ntfs | Converts drive from FAT32 to NTFS |
Debug | Assembly language programming tool |
Defrag | Defragmentation tool |
Deltree | Deletes an entire directory tree |
Diskcopy | Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another |
Drwatson | Records programs crash & snapshots |
Dxdiag | DirectX Diagnostic Utility |
Explorer | Windows Explorer |
Extract | Extract files from Microsoft *.CAB files |
Fc | Compares two files for similarities |
Fdisk | Partitions hard drive |
Find | Searches for a text string |
Finger | Display user information on a system running the finger service |
Fontview | Graphical font viewer | | Formats a disk |
Freecell | Card game |
Ftp | ftp program |
Hh | Windows Help |
Hostname | Returns Computer’s name |
Ieshwiz | Customize folder appearance |
Iextract | Internet Explorer backup information extraction tool |
Ipconfig | Displays IP configuration for all network adapters |
Jview | Microsoft Command-line Loader for Java classes |
Label | Change the name of a hard drive or floppy disk |
Mem | Display detailed system memory information |
Minmine | Minesweeper game |
MMC | Microsoft Management Console |
Mkcompat | Program Compatibility Wizard |
Move | Moves a file/directory |
Mplayer | Media Player |
Msconfig | Configuration to edit startup files |
Msinfo32 | Microsoft System Information Utility |
MSimn | Starts Outlook Express |
MSMSGS | Starts MSN Messenger |
Mspaint | Starts Paint |
Nbtstat | Displays stats and current connections using NetBios over TCP/IP |
Net | Displays Microsoft Networking info |
Netstat | Displays all active network connections |
Notepad | Basic text editor |
Nslookup | Returns your local DNS server |
Ping | Sends data to a specified host/IP |
Rcp | Copy files to and from a computer |
Regedit | Registry Editor |
Regsvr32 | Register/de-register DLL/OCX/ActiveX |
Regwiz | Registration wizard |
Route | Set up routes on your network |
Runas | Run commands as a specified user |
Scandisk | Scans drives for file/disk errors |
Scandskw | Scandisk to fix file/hard drive errors |
Scanreg | Scans Windows registry |
Scanregw | Scan/repair & backup registry |
Scanreg /restore | Restores Registry to a previous good configuration |
Script | Windows scripting host |
Sfc /scannow | System File Checker – XP |
Sndrec32 | Sound Recorder |
Srw | System Recovery Wizard |
Start | Runs a Windows or DOS program | | Copies system startup files to a disk |
Sysedit | Edit system startup files (config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, etc.) |
Taskman | Task manager |
Telnet | Telnet program |
Tlocmgr | Telephony Location manager |
Vcmui | Version conflict manager |
Winipcfg | Displays IP configuration |
Winpopup | Pop-Up Messenger for Windows Networking |
Winword | Starts MS Word |
Write | WordPad text editor, can read Word 6.0 files |
Wupdmgr | Takes you to MS Windows Update |
Xcopy | Copy files |
certmgr.msc | Certificate Manager |
ciadv.msc | Indexing Service |
comexp.msc | Component services |
compmgmt.msc | Computer management |
devmgmt.msc | Device Manager |
dfrg.msc | Defragment |
diskmgmt.msc | Disk Management |
fsmgmt.msc | Folder Sharing Management |
eventvwr.msc | Event Viewer |
gpedit.msc | Group Policy |
iis.msc | Internet Information Services |
lusrmgr.msc | Local Users and Groups |
mscorcfg.msc | .Net configurations |
ntmsmgr.msc | Removable Storage |
perfmon.msc | Performance Manager |
perfmon.msc | RSoP – Resultant Set of Policy |
secpol.msc | Local Security Policy |
services.msc | System Services |
wmimgmt.msc | Windows Management Instrumental |
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% | Open the All User’s Profile |
%HomeDrive% | Opens your home drive e.g. C: |
%UserProfile% | Opens you User’s Profile |
%HomeShare% | Opens your Home Folder on the server (domain only) |
%temp% | Opens temporary file Folder |
%systemroot% | Opens Windows folder |
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